Let me introduce you to Leonardo, the receiver of the first love letter...

Leonardo is available on all streaming platforms
“Leonardo” is the first peep through the keyhole into CELIIN’s universe and an invitation to meet her emotional mess. Like a grandiose love letter, she serves up her loneliness on a gold (never silver) platter, forever waiting on Leonardo’s response. Intricate melodies cut across hard hitting drums and a carefully orchestrated arrangement to form a performance which is both raw and vulnerable. Leonardo’s character represents a complex, unattainable and unreciprocated longing for another human being.
We all have a Leonardo…

"I found myself forgetting my own value, as ‘Leonardo’ grew bigger on me. I finally had to realize that I was losing some of my own power.
I had to find a way of telling him that I was there."
"As painful as it is to admit,
«Leonardo» is a vulnerable cry for attention."
Official Lyrics for "Leonardo"
What does it mean when you are lying next to me
For the second night not touching me
Did I say something?
What does it mean when I no longer feel the same
And I cannot figure who to blame
Need I ask for more?
I know you aim for success
But Leonardo
Please don't forget your lioness
Leo, Leo,
Leo, Leo
Leo, Leo,
Leo, Leo
I spend another sleepless night in Leo's bed
I can't get his words out of my head
So I paint instead
I do my best DaVinci on a paper piece
Painting pictures make me feel at ease
When he's gone to sleep
I know you aim for success
But Leonardo (my love)
Please don't forget your lioness
Leo, Leo,
Leo, Leo
Leo, Leo,
Leo, Leo
I know you aim for success
But Leonardo
Please don't forget your lioness
My Leonardo love (my love)
My Leo, Leonardo
My Leonardo love
My Leo, love, my Leo